Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Latest - 11/25/08

This is a note from Janet with the updated information about Donna.

Just talked to Joel -- they were at Duke yesterday for some preadmission x-rays and testing. Took a lot of blood, don't know what for but it kind of wore Donna out. She was sleeping when I called. Anyway, they have to head down FRIDAY, not Monday as Dr. Long wants her to have 3 days of IV antibiotics. She won't be in the hospital until Monday but will go in Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a few hours a day to run the antibiotics. That is to help prevent some of the side effects she was getting from the chemo before.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Greetings Family and Friends

It's overwhelming to try and comprehend the multitude of people that are praying for me each and every day. When I see the names of you who have visited this site and/or left messages I just feel so blessed. It would be near impossible to share with each of you individually right now. However, I do want you to know that I appreciate each of you. You have entered my life either by someone else or by a past or present relationship we have. Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer. God is holy! He is almighty! He is going to see me through this.

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him." Psalm 27:7

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's confirmed...December 1, 2008

I'm sure Donna will be by when she gets a moment, but until then I wanted to make sure those of you following her progress know the latest...She has a confirmed date of December 1 for admission to Duke in North Carolina. She'll hit the ground running with an early morning procedure to insert a port and will receive her first radiation treatment that day.

We all love you, Donna. CLICK HERE

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Talked to Donna Today

I talked to Donna earlier today. She sounded great! At this point, still waiting for a confirmation from Duke on a start date, but possibly looking like 11/17. She had a bone marrow biopsy yesterday. We're praying the results are that she's still in remission with no need for more chemo before Duke.

Click Here


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Greetings Family and Friends

This is actually my first entry on this blog. I've had "insiders" handling it for me. I am so happy to have this site. It is going to be so nice for you as my family and many, many friends. Some of you I know and some I may not know. :o) That's ok too. I continue to be amazed at the amount of people I have praying for me and my family. I want to take this moment to thank you all for those continued prayers. Yes, the Philipians 4:13 is perfect for me at this time. (Great choice Bev.)
I'm sure there will be days that I won't be able to say hello. But I know that coming to this site and seeing who has visited and reading comments that have been posted will be very uplifting. Please feel free to leave a comment but it is not necessary. Thank you to all who have visited already! I love you all!
God Bless You,

Nov 1, 2008 from Jan

I just talked to Donna awhile ago. She was doing really well after a very busy week. Had platelets on Monday, doctor again on Wednesday; met with Duke Radiology on Thursday and back to doctor on Friday and more platelets on Friday. As Dr. Merten (Roanoke) told her, they want to keep her well so they can get the transplant going asap.
I think I have all this straight---When she enters the hospital it will be a Monday...she will have 1 session of radiation therapy (15 minutes or so) that day. Then 2 sessions on days 2 and 3. On days 4, 5, 6, and 7 she will have chemotherapy. There is no pain associated with the radiation--it is like being scanned but it does cause nausea. We are already praying about that...and the doctor told her to make sure she is given anti-nausea meds ahead of the session to get ahead of it. That takes her to day 8 and her transplant infusion will begin on that day.
She did have some sneezing and a slight cough working this week...we're praying that goes away on its own. She also had a slight bout with a low grade fever but it seems to have resolved.
Immediate prayer needs this week (besides the obvious!) are...Joel needs a place to stay while Donna is in the hospital; we are not sure whether this is covered by insurance and/or whether he can go ahead and get the efficiency type room that Donna will go to when she is released to the clinic. The other is that she will be well and will rest good while she is waiting to hear from Duke on the start date. She's ready to get the show on the road asap!
Donna will be in Roanoke on Monday--may need more transfusions or platelets. We will probably talk again on Tuesday and will update the site then!