Saturday, December 19, 2009

Missing You at Christmas

It has been hard to think of Christmas without you. It seems like just yesterday we were packing our bags to be with you. Even with the pain though, at night I dream of you singing in Heaven's choir and I see your perfect face and beautiful smile radiating peace and love. And I know you will celebrate our Savior's birth with Him this year. That will have to do until I see you again. I love you so much.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Where does the time go?

I am sure anyone reading feels that it is hard to believe that it has been 6 months since we lost a wonderful mother, sister, grandma, grandmama, teacher, coworker, wife, and many more words to describe her. I have to say that the numbness has still yet to wear off for me. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her and wish she were here. But, God is ultimately in control and he decided it was time for her to be His completely. I miss her more than anyone knows and can't wait to share with her the awesome things that have happened since she was gone.
Please take this time to say a prayer for all cancer patients and cancer survivors.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Missing You

I can't believe that in just a few short weeks it will be 6 months you have been gone. It's just as fresh and as raw today as it was then.

There isn't a day that goes by that you don't enter my mind; some days it is with a smile knowing that you are dancing with the angels, some days it is with selfish tears and heartache, and some days it is with both.

It's funny the things that trigger it. Today, it was when I was breaking bread for tonight's stuffing for dinner. I thought about calling Mom to see how she makes her stuffing because it is always so good, and I can't emulate it no matter how hard I try. It was then that I thought of you. I got a chuckle thinking back to the days when you first left home and every night at supper time we could count on a phone call...calling to ask Mom how to cook something!

I have thought of you so often when Mel and I talk about her upcoming wedding and move to Tennessee. You've "been there, done that." There are so many things I wish I could talk to you about. You always gave such calming reassurance. You could make me feel like everything is going to be OK even in the face of chaos.

I love you and miss Big D, our Sissy

Friday, July 3, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009



Over the weekend I read the book 90 Minutes In Heaven. It was recommended to me by a friend who lost her father over the winter. All I can say, is WOW! The book allowed me a little insight about what you are doing in Heaven. I was blown away by it. I smiled a lot reading it and I cried a lot reading it, but the tears were tears of joy. A day does not pass that I don't think of you and that I don't miss you, but reading that book made me so happy that you are in Heaven. I know that one day I am going to be there and when I do, you're going to be in my celestial welcoming committee, and I can just imagine that you're going to push to the front of the people so that I will see you first.

I love you, Donna, and I miss you...but now when I get that lump in my throat thinking of you it will always be with a smile on my face because I know a little bit of what you're doing.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

But Wait, There's More!

Family, friends old and dear, and memories of Donna and the joy she brought to our lives--it was the perfect Saturday. Donna had been gone from Harford County for over 30 years, but such was the mark she left on all she met that friends even from high school came to share. Thank you to everyone who shared a memory here.

When I got home I wished again, like I do every single day, that I could just ring Donna up in Heaven and chat. I would tell her how we are all doing just fine but miss her so much. It just seems there were so many things left to share--Dad's 75th, Crystal's graduation, that beautiful new granddaughter. I would say "you would've been so proud of Crystal with honors!" and "Kendall looks just like Rachel's baby pictures." And how proud she would have been of Monica, rushing to her sister's side to fill the void. So much joy and yet we miss her so much! And she would listen patiently as I prattled on and then she would say,

"The best is yet to come, Sissy, the best is yet to come!"

Until then...I praise God for filling our hours with such wonder and joy.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Memorial Service

Donna L. Pennington-Sowers

January 12, 1956March 21, 2009

The family of Donna Sowers invites you to join with them as they remember and celebrate the life of their beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister

June 6, 2009 - 11:00 a.m.  

Oak Grove Baptist Church

2106 Churchville Road; 

Bel Air, Maryland 21015

Note:  If any of the readers of this blog would like to share a favorite memory of Donna at the memorial, please contact me (email:  Also, if you are unable to attend and have a memory you'd like to have shared, please send me an email and I will add it to the program.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Donna is still touching lives!

For those of you who are on facebook, you may have already seen this post on my page. However, I wanted to post it here also for those not on FB.

The background is that our pastor is teaching a seminar entitled Conversational Evangelism. The purpose is to teach you how to share your faith in a manner that is, as the title suggests, just a simple conversation with someone.

Yesterday evening, I had an opportunity to do just that. God used not only the information I picked up at the seminar, but also used Donna. It was totally cool.

I attended the conversational evangelism seminar at OG yesterday afternoon for what I thought was one reason--to record the seminar for later posting on the website. This evening, I discovered God had another reason for me to be there. He had a plan that involved both Donna and that seminar.

You probably remember the note I posted a few weeks ago about Donna entitled, Do You Remember Me? In that note, I talked about the angel necklace I now wear. This evening, I ran into a gentleman who made comment about the necklace. I told him about the background, how it had belonged to my sister and was given to me on the day of her funeral in March. I then explained why I allow it to be tangled with the cross necklace. God then set my brain in motion and the CE seminar information kicked in. I was able to relax and "conversationally evangelize" with this man.

I learned that he was diagnosed with cancer two years ago, which set him off into a world of heavy drinking. He started attending AA and was able to get sober. He talked about how he lost two jobs to his drinking, and now that he is sober is rebuilding his career. He talked about how he found a "higher power." I think he was afraid to mention God, so I did. I told him our hope rests in the Lord. We talked for little bit longer, and then with tears in his eyes he thanked me for talking to him and walked away saying he is learning that there really is hope in the world that he had come to hate so much.

I don't know if I was the "7.6th" time he has been evangelized, or the first, or the tenth. All I do know is that God allowed me the blessing of meeting this stranger and using me as a vessel to show His love.

We never know when God is going to use us. I encourage all of you to attend the CE seminar next week at 4 p.m. in EB3. Sharing your faith does not have to be scary, nor does it have to be "Bible-thumping."

You never know what a simple smile and "hello" to a stranger on the street will lead you.~


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Bridge of Memory

I sat down this morning to write my thank-you notes (I know...I'm behind, as usual). One of the cards I received from a couple at church made me stop and reflect. The words were just so beautiful and seemed to be written especially for Donna. The ironic thing is that this couple didn't really know Donna. They cannot know exactly how perfectly the card they sent describes her.

The Bridge of Memory

The voice of someone beautiful is silent,
and yet her presence seems so real and clear.

The smile that always filled a room with sunshine
at any time, it seems, could reappear.

With every thought of her,
it seems the sadness becomes a wider,
deeper stream of loss.

Yet, memory builds a bridge of healing comfort,
from here to her, for loving hearts to cross.

Thank you, Lord, for sending friends into our lives who can pick us up and carry us through when we don't have the strength to carry on.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good Day Sunshine!

Okay, I know some of them (the Beetles) weirded out in their old age, but many probably say the same of me. Anyway, I talked to at least 3 people today (not counting myself) who were just having a hard day. On top of bigger issues, it has rained for 40 days and 40 nights (it seems) here, and we all just have the blues. the song says, I need to laugh, and if nothing else, the Beetles "do's" have to bring a smile. Love to all and--Good Day, Sunshine!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is Risen! Hallelujah!

Thank you Lord for your Son. Thank you Jesus for your gift of life, for the promise and hope you give to all today. Thank you for your open arms dear Lord. For the comfort you bring, the peace and the love. Though our loss is still fresh and our hearts still ache, thank you Lord that we can today rejoice and be at peace knowing our sister's voice rings out in Heaven today. Thank you Lord for your Word, and for the truth of John 3:16, through which we know Donna lives today with You. Others suffer today Lord that do not know you as we do, and we pray this Easter they will find the comfort and solace and peace that only you can provide.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

There was great sorrow and travail that day. During the awful physical darkness from noon to 3:00 p.m. (Matthew 27:45), Jesus had cried out in utter anguish: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). The earth itself shook and rumbled as the creation was torn asunder in reaction to the horrific judgment of the Creator for sin (Matthew 27:51).

But then came the victory cry, "It is finished" (John 19:30), and, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46). His suffering ended, the payment completed, eternal propitiation accomplished, Jesus laid down His human life to await the great resurrection that God might give "assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead" (Acts 17:31).

The above is taken from the article
Why It Was a 'Good' Friday, which can be found in its entirety at

As I read those words this morning, thinking of the incredible sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, I was also reminded of Donna. All glory, laud, and honor to the Lord. I am awed and grateful for His sacrifice, paving the way for us to Heaven, so that we can all be together again one day.

Happy "Resurrection" weekend to all,

Monday, April 6, 2009

Being from the East Coast, I sometimes forget that not everyone experiences the wonder of four distinctly different seasons. Yes, during the dog days of August I yearn for the crisp November evenings...and then in the chill of February I wish I lived in San Diego where it is 70 degrees every day. But for experiencing life in all its forms you can't beat the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter seasons. And that is the way I have always thought of it -- Spring, new life begins in a gentle form, reaching out, yearning to grow, beautiful things blossoming all around. And Summer, bursting with excitement and activity, freedom through vacations from school or work, fun! Then the Fall, when the colors peak and then start to fade, life slows a little, we take more time. Finally, Winter arrives, it is cold, desolate, and death comes to many things.

I always thought of it that way until just now. Sitting here in the post dinner hour, in the quiet and thinking about the coming Easter Sunday. Our first holiday without Donna. Not that she had come home for Easter in the recent years--her home was in Virginia. But we always talked, she would call Mom's or we would call her, and then the great passing of the phone began. Mom, then Dad, through the sisters, then brother, and then each and every niece and nephew within shouting distance got a turn. Maybe just a minute or two for each, but we could really pack some catching up and love into those minutes. I was thinking those silent minutes will stretch across the day and really our lives now. I miss that call already and it is still a week away.

And then I began thinking about something Bev said recently -- that God knew thousands of years ago that Donna would be called home to Heaven on March 21, 2009. He certainly did! The first day of Spring just coming to a close, and the promise of Easter unfolding before us. Donna had reached the final season of her earthly life, but it wasn't winter--it was Spring! And as she left us her new life began, with things so beautiful bursting before her that we can only try to imagine, until we join her.

I know the phone will still be silent and there will be an ache for something else Bev said -- one more, just one more. But we will have to wait, and we can, with joy in our hearts because Jesus kept his promise. The tomb is empty, Spring awaits us in Heaven, and we truly have the peace that passes all understanding. I pray this peace and joy for everyone this Easter.

Love, Jan

Friday, April 3, 2009

Do You Remember Me?

It was March 9, 2009 and a question Donna asked over and over..

Donna had been admitted to Duke University in Durham, North Carolina on December 1, 2008, and 99 days later, she was back in her home state of Virginia. It wasn’t back on the top of Bent Mountain where she lived, but it was at least familiar territory near family and friends. Donna was being returned to Roanoke Memorial Hospital where she spent a significant amount of time in 2007 after being diagnosed with leukemia.

Not healthy enough to ride in car, Donna made the 150 mile trip from Durham to Roanoke Memorial by ambulance, but that couldn’t dim her spirit because she was going "home." She could not wait to be back in Virginia. Donna was on top of the world and felt wonderful. She even somehow convinced the ambulance crew to stop at Wendy’s on the way and buy her some French fries! I will never pass Wendy's again without thinking of you, Donna.

Once she was settled in her room on the oncology ward at Roanoke Memorial, every time she encountered a nurse or caregiver Donna asked the question, “Do you remember me?,” even during the most private of times when a caregiver helped Donna to the bedside commode. After pulling the curtain, the caregiver was going to leave the room to give Donna some privacy. As the caregiver approached the door, from the other side of the privacy curtain she heard Donna call out to her, “Oh, hey, by the way …Do you remember me?” Later that day as Donna rested in bed and visited with one of her daughters, she got a chill. There were never enough blankets to keep Donna warm. Monica asked if she would like a heated blanket. Donna told her that would be nice. Monica got up to go find one, but Donna told her to just sit still and she’d call a nurse. After pushing the call button, a young man answered, “May I help you, Mrs. Sowers?,” to which Donna replied, “Yes…Do you remember me?” I can just picture this young man trying to figure out how he was supposed to remember a voice in the wall, but he kindly said, “Yes, I believe I do.” That excited Donna. The young man listened patiently while Donna talked on and on about how happy she was to be back home, close to her family and friends, and back at Roanoke Memorial. After a bit Donna added, “And, oh yeah…could you bring me a heated blanket?”

Yes, Donna, we remember you. We remember what a loving wife you were, loving your husband as God loves us, even putting up with his “true stores!”

We remember you as the nurturing mother of 5 beautiful daughters, and the grandmother of soon to be 14. No matter what was going on in your life, you always had time for your family.

We remember you as a daughter, a first born. You were the child who taught our parents how to be parents.

We remember you as a sister, our Big D. You cut the path for the rest of us, setting the example, and showing us what being a sibling is all about.

We remember your bright smile and shining eyes; we came to call you Bright Eyes.

We remember your infectious laugh. We remember it because you always laughed twice; once when the punch line was delivered and everyone else was laughing and once all by yourself 20 minutes later when you finally “got it.”

We remember what a good sport you were to let your siblings endlessly pick on you---well, Jan, Carolie, and Dave anyway; I would never be so insensitive and unkind. :-)

Mostly, Donna, we remember you as a faithful, obedient child of God. You always put God first in your life. Your faith never faltered; not even in sickness. You turned your eyes upon Jesus and never looked away.

The morning following your passing was a Sunday morning. My first thought when I awoke was, I’m not going to church today. It was “Celebration Sunday” at Oak Grove and I was not going to go face all those happy, smiling people when I was hurting so deeply inside. Then I remembered you. You never missed an opportunity to worship the Lord. I knew at that moment I was going to church and I was going to celebrate!

The service opened with the preschool and elementary children’s choirs singing. I remembered you, Donna. I remember how much you loved children. You always had time to stop and talk to and hug a child. You loved teaching them and watching their faces as they learned about the Lord.

The service then followed with the congregation singing two songs. We first sang Sunshine in My Soul followed by He Keeps Me Singing. I remembered you, Donna. You loved to sing and used your gift to sing praises to God. The Lord was your sunlight. It was His love that kept you singing.

Dr. Hall then delivered his message. I looked at my outline and the sermon was titled, “Are we at the finish line or the starting line?” I remembered you, Donna. You crossed the finish line of your service here and hit the starting line of your eternity in Heaven. It’s what you lived your life for, every moment of every day.

The scripture reference for the first point of the sermon was 2 Corinthians 8:5…”they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will.” I remembered you, Donna. That one scripture summed up your entire life. You always gave yourself to the Lord first.

Today I wear two necklaces. The first was put there July 18, 2008. It was a gift from Ken, a representation of his love by giving the symbol of love, the cross of Jesus. The second was placed there on March 24, 2009. It is an angel – a necklace that belonged to you, Donna. Within a short period of time, the two necklaces tangled and intertwined. I reached up to my neck to untangle the chains, but then stopped. I remembered you, Donna. You lived your life much like the angel on my neck, clinging to the cross of Jesus. I left the necklaces tangled together and now when I reach up and feel them so close together, I remember you, Donna. It reminds me to live my life the same as you lived yours, clinging to the cross.

Yes, Donna…we remember you, and I can just imagine that on March 21, 2009 when you entered the gates of Heaven the Lord was there to greet you saying, You Always Remembered Me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Join Me in Prayer...

for our very special friend Jeanette and her sister Sheri, who will begin radiation treatments on Monday April 6...

Story from Sherry

I have a very precious memory of Donna that I would like to share with everyone. Of course as all the family knows, I live in Texas so I do not get to see my family members very often. I have in fact not seen Donna since the surprise birthday party that they had for my Aunt Ellie (Mom to Donna) when she turned 70.Several years had gone by and one Mother's Day recently (about 2 years ago) I got an email from Donna just out of the blue. For those of you who don't know me, my only son passed away in 1990 when he was 2 years old. Donna sent me an email for Mother's Day and just told me that she was thinking about me and that she was lifting me up in spirit and in thoughts. It touched me to the very core of my being and I will absolutely never forget it. We connected with each other just like it had been yesterday when we had last seen each other and were making plans to try to visit with each other in the near future. Well, that visit will not take place on this earth-but I know for sure without a doubt-we WILL see each other again-and we will laugh and hug and dance and be together forever in the kingdom of God-HALLELUJIA!!! Love, Sherry

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Random musings

Thank you Bev for the opportunity to post thoughts and stories about Mom here. I am so thankful for my Aunties (technically Anties since they're from the north!) who have tirelessly updated this blog, and to all the friends who have followed Mom on her journey and offered words of support and encouragement here. It is truly a place where we find unity and comfort, even when we are far apart.

It's funny...Mom was never far from my thoughts, but now she is ever-present. When I start the car in the morning, I hear her telling me how to merge into traffic (and shrieking when I didn't do it right the first few times). When I grocery shop, I hear recipes she shared in my head...and her laughter when I called her a few months ago to ask how to make sweet tea. In fact, every time I make hot tea, I see her smiling and shaking her head. (Many of you know that I was less than fond of it as a child. Her life would have been infinitely easier if I had embraced it earlier.)

Maddie and Ella Kate keep asking me to tell them stories. There are so many to tell. Most of them involve laughter and hugs...always hugs. I look forward to reading stories that others remember about Mom. Thank you all for sharing her life.

Let Me Be the First....

to say, how happy I am Bev decided to do this. Most of you already know when Donna went into Duke for her transplant, she asked Bev to watch over the blog for her until she could take over herself. Sadly, that day never came, but Bev has greatly honored Donna's wish that the blog would always be a place where people would be "uplifted." That was Donna's word -- uplifted. Bev did such a good job that even now, since Donna has gone Home to her Lord & Savior, I still come here and find comfort. Even in reading some of the harder times as I know those times have passed for Donna. And it makes me feel closer to her to be here from time to time.

Donna would never want this to be a memorial and it won't be. But she would want us to watch over each other, and check in with each other from time to time--reaching out to those who need us. That is what she did in life and I hope we are all as blessed as I think we will be to come here and share our lives together!

Jan 3/31/2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Message from Joel

For all you precious people who have prayed and kept up with Donna, please know how thankful I am personally for your prayers, cards, money, and phone calls; also, your visits, food & support for me & all of my family.  We couldn't have substained ourselves thoughout this journey. We love each and every one of you.

Donna was the most precious gift from God I've ever known and she will be missed, but we are all better for having known her.

Thanks to all the friends, family, & church families for giving all your love for all of us.

With Love ALWAYS
Joel Sowers

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Donna Lynn Sowers Jan 12, 1956 - March 21, 2009

Dear Friends,

It is with the greatest sadness we tell you that we lost our beloved Donna today. The grief is all ours, but there is joy that Donna is home with her Heavenly Father rejoicing with so many that she helped through the same journey she made herself today...Granny Gusler, Teresa, Grandmom Crabtree and so many others. Our beautiful wife, mother, daughter, and sister touched so many lives that the only way possible for us to reach so many who care about her was through this blog.

The prayers of so many sustained us and Donna through the darkest and stormiest hours in the last few months. God provided so much through so many. We ask that you continue to pray for Donna's husband Joel and her daughters, parents, sisters, brother, grandchildren and the multitude of lives that will go on missing a piece.

Arrangements are for a wake to be at Woods Funeral Home in Floyd on Monday evening, with services and a celebration of Donna's life on Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. at Antioch Church of the Brethren in Rocky Mount. We will post full details by Sunday evening.

Thank you to all who gave of themselves and offered their prayers during the past difficult months. The earthly suffering will be great for us, but Donna's suffering has passed and for that we are truly thankful.


Donna's Family

Prayers Up for Donna

Saturday 3/21: Donna was taken to ICU this morning with trouble breathing. She is sedated and on a ventilator. That is the extent of what we know right now. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Amazing Grace!

Donna is still doing well in her "new home" at RMH. She's been receiving lots of visitors and continues to work hard toward her ultimate goal of going back on top of the mountain!

There isn't a lot of medical updates to be talking about right now. Her doctors at RMH are still assessing and plotting a plan to help Donna move forward.

Everyone I speak with who has been following Donna's progress cannot speak about her without giving all the praise to God. He has and continues to show all of us His amazing grace.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Message from Jan

Started off this morning like most, up at 5:30, coffee on, the world's most disorganized kid out the door to school, whew! That done, started to write Bev a "quickie update" because the news has just been so good that we couldn't wait a full week to share it. I jotted a few lines about Donna's soaring spirits and Dr. Merten's "fresh eyes" on Donna's many challenges, and our thankfulness for these things. Then I took a sec to think about a possible video to go along. In the quiet seconds, a little song I learned when I was probably 5 or so came to mind. I must have sung this a million times, and probably have taught it to a hundred children, but I've never really REALLY heard it, until today. I quickly found the song which is really Isaiah 40:31 put to music. As I watched the video, I really heard the words and understood God's message--words He ordained at the beginning of time that are so personal to all of us today. How special is that? We have shared despair and we have shared joy so great it is overwhelming. When I listened to God's words today I knew that when I despaired I had forgotten to wait on the Lord. Donna did not forget though, and God has truly renewed her strength & spirit. Praise to God for giving us all the answers!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Power of Love

One thing I've tried very hard to do is make sure that I didn't use Donna's blog as a personal blog, but today I'm going to break that rule (I made it, so I can break it! lol).

If you have ever doubted the healing power of love, then you need to call or visit Donna. I know that most of you reading this blog haven't spoken or visited with her since before she entered Duke so many months ago. However, you can take it on authority of her family that the Donna you will see or talk with today is an entirely renewed spirit! Donna's body has a lot of catching up to do to match her spirit, but the relocation of bringing her back to Roanoke (hey Jan...I spelled it right!) has renewed Donna.

Today, I praise and thank God for the wisdom He laid on the hearts of those who were instrumental in setting the wheels in motion to get Donna back to Roanoke. All those involved were concerned that this decision was being made too "emotionally." However, God placed the right doctors in Donna's care at Duke at the perfect time and has since proven to all involved that this was indeed His will at His time. Donna's spirit is soaring!!

As healing as the love of family and friends is, it doesn't match the power of God's love. God's love is the peace the passes all understanding, and many times over we have seen Him cover Donna in that love. All glory laud and honor!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Settled in Roanoke

(The following is an update from Jan)

Donna reported she had a speedy but uneventful trip yesterday, arriving in Roanoke at about 2:00. Monica was waiting in her room for her, and reports a real busy day getting checked into RMH (Roanoke Mem. Hosp)! The docs and nurses will be taking some time this week to get their hands around all that has happened with Donna, assess her current needs and build a plan to get her on her feet. I can tell you this, on Sunday and especially Monday as we were getting ready for the transfer, Donna had a glow about her that she has not had for a very long time. She was going "home", maybe not to her house, but definitely to her town--and it showed big.

Donna had a biopsy at Duke last Thursday and we are told her transplant is at 98% -- she is engrafted and 98% of the cells she produces are donor cells. That is a huge victory. The DAH and TTP are "well controlled". Her platelet recovery has been slower than hoped, but is on the rise. The medications she needed to get through the DAH and TTP have taken a toll on her muscles and joints so she has a long road ahead to rebuild that strength. She's been holding for awhile now on 15% of the steroid dose, which will probably be continued for some time to keep the DAH in check and help prevent GVHD.

Donna's not quite ready to pick up the blog herself yet and has asked Bev to keep it going for her awhile longer. Donna's new journey is expected to be one of slow but steady progress, so the updates will probably reflect that -- will probably be weekly unless of course something big happens and we'll be sure to pass that along. Although many of you who have visited know that Donna doesn't fire up the computer and read herself, we do read your posts and pass them along to her, so please keep visiting and posting as much as you want. And as Bev passed along yesterday she is ready and excited about receiving visitors at RMH.

We have not forgotten the many blessings the Lord has given us that got Donna to this day--the strength, the miracles, the people willing to lend a hand and of course ALL of the prayers. Thanks to all of you and of course the GLORY to GOD for the hope and rejoicing we have today.


Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Monday, March 9, 2009


I talked to Jan about 1/2 hour ago. Donna left Duke about 10:30 this morning for Ronoake! This picture was taken as the ambulance crew was taking Donna out of Duke.

Donna is ecstatic about "coming home." Jan talked with her and Donna says she is definitely ready to have visitors once she arrives and gets settled in. She is excited at seeing her friends again.

Thank you to all for keeping this in prayer, and ask God for safe travels.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Ronoake Bound!

The plans are set for Donna's transfer to Roanoke!

As of this morning (Friday), the plan is that she will leave Duke about 10 a.m. Monday and will be admitted to Roanoke Memorial on the oncology unit, where she was when first diagnosed with leukemia. Roanoke will then assess her and determine where she will need to go from there; i.e., a rehab facility or other determination.

One thing we have all learned over the last 90+ days is that things can change in a flash. In fact, this transfer was originally to take place today and has already been pushed to Monday.

Donna is very excited about the prospect of being moved back to Ronoake where she is closer to especially her husband and children, so please continue to keep this in prayer.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Proceeding With Caution

There has been some behind-the-scenes activity this week in Durham. We've been down this road before with Duke--being told something only to have it yanked away--in the past so we have been very cautious about not getting hopes up and haven't posted this information yet. Having said that, let me fill you all in on what's going on and ask for some very special prayers.

Joel, Mom, and Janet have been working very hard at getting Donna moved out of Duke and brought to a facility in Roanoke. We feel the time is right, and we have the backing of at least 2 of her doctors at Duke (there may be more on board that I am not aware of), and also the backing of Donna's oncologist in Roanoke. As far as we know, the only thing holding this up is finding a place that will accept Donna who can not only perform the physical therapy she desperately needs but also provide her with the transfusions, namely the ongoing platelet transfusions.

Please pray that a facility will be found and that we can move this process along as quickly as possible.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday, March 4

Donna has been working on her exercises with Mom this week. Still working on the goal of getting her stamina up in preparation for some more intensive type therapy--trying to get her able to sustain about 3 hours a day of therapy. Continuing to back down the steroids and watching her breathing very closely. So far, so good. Also, thanks to all for their prayers on Monday. Mom was able to drive over to the hospital even though they had some snow. She also is branching out--made a rush hour trek out to get chicken quesadillas, found the quesadillas and found her way back to the hospital!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday, March 2

Donna had a pretty good weekend -- she sounds really good and looks really good too, just needs for her strength to catch up to her spirit. The docs were in on Saturday and told Donna and Joel that they are going to try to back down the steroids to zero this week. She is currently getting about 1/3 of what she was while the DAH was active. Getting the steroids out of her system will help with her joints, and exercises hopefully will help with strength-building.

We have some very specific prayer requests this week. First, The Matriarch (as Mom is known in our circles) does not "do snow," so she is hunkered down in the apartment for the day today. Please pray the snow in Durham is light and gets gone. Please also pray that Donna is able to ramp up her exercise program and that it gives her the results she is looking for. She really needs to see some progress as it will encourage her to do even more. Lastly, please pray that the DAH does not rear its ugly head when she is totally off the steroids; so far, so good with this. We will keep you posted.

It has been a very long road and as someone told Mom over the weekend, sometimes it may seem that God is not there, but God has been so good to all of us in so many ways. You have only to go back through this blog just to see the blessings he has brought to us throughout this time. We praise God today for all he has done and continues to do for our much-loved Donna!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Quick Update

As Jan told you, I did the marathon run---Maryland to North Carolina back to Maryland in under 30 hours---so I'm a day or so behind in updates. Thanks for your patience.

I did get to see Donna for a few hours while I was there. Once again, the girl is simply amazing. She's had a few rough days with discouragement, so I expected to see that. What I found was a spry Donna who is geared up to get out of that place! I told her it was great to see she has her "fight" back on.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, Day +76

Donna is at day +76 of her transplant. She is "down the home stretch" as far as treating the transplant goes. Of course, we all know about the setbacks she has had with the complication of DAH and TTP that have kept her in the hospital rather than being discharged to the clinic. Our specific prayer request for Donna is that her body will do some major catching up so that she can get to the point that she can be discharged from the hospital.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, Jan 19

Donna had a very good, but very busy day Thursday. She continues to eat well, and the docs reported that her protein levels are coming up, a very good sign that should help her muscles recover. She does have some skin "tears"--abrasions like skinned knees--on some of her pressure points. These are not bed sores, but damage from sliding her across the sheets, etc. Her skin is very fragile right now. The staff has taken measures to ease this, such as a therapeutic air type mattress, and other items.

Donna continues to work hard at the goals set for her, namely regaining her strength and use of her legs. It is very tiresome work, but she has her fight on and is determined. We know that through God she can accomplish this. We praise Him and thank Him for never letting go of her (and all of us too!)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, Feb 18

Donna had a pretty good day Wednesday. She is setting goals and meeting them head-on. Donna made a short walk outside her room today and took NO breaks. Right after her walk she decided to have lunch in her chair instead of catching a nap. She is working very hard to build her strength so that she can get to clinic care as soon as possible.

We do not have scheduled caregivers lined up for next week and Donna is okay with that. She will be focused on exercising and strength building. Please keep her in prayer especially next week, and one more time, thanks again to everyone who gave so generously of themselves and spent some time in Durham. You are all a big part of Donna's recovery to this point, along with the faithful prayer warriors & bloggers too.

We thank God for His amazing love, the strength and courage He gives Donna to press on, and for all answered prayers. Worthy is the Lamb, worthy of our praise!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Little Late, But Here's the Latest

Joel spoke to Donna this afternoon and she told him that the wraps the occupational therapist is using on her legs seem to be working really well. Her feet are almost at normal size!!

Donna is still a little down & frustrated, as anyone would be, that she is not out of there yet. In a way that is a praise, in that she is well enough today to be frustrated, but Joel has asked that everyone keep her in their prayers for this. She has 3 good friends visiting today, and a couple she has known since she first moved to Franklin County coming tomorrow (Sandra and Lynn). Please pray for safe travel for these friends as we understand bad weather is expected tomorrow (Wednesday). We continue to thank God and the wonderful friends and family that have given of themselves to keep Donna's spirits lifted and support her in so many ways.

Joel is also asking for prayer during the next few weeks as he works with the hospital staff to try to get Donna out of the hospital. There are so many decisions to be made about her post release care, and knowing just when is the right time to make that move. We know that God will provide His guidance as He has all along.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday, Feb 16

Donna continues to do as well as, or better than, can be expected. Over the weekend, she was given a new physical therapy regimen that she will be working for 45 minutes daily. I am sure this is going to tire her greatly, but let's pray this new regimen builds strength in her legs to help give her the stability Donna needs to be discharged.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Coming Right Along!

Once again, the reports coming out of Durham just get better and better. The biggest celebration is that Donna's platelet counts have been going UP. They have gone from 4,000 to 38,000 this week. Praise God!

All in all, Donna is feeling wonderful. She no longer is tied to any ongoing IVs and food is becoming her friend once again. In fact, last night she ate some Chinese food and LIKED IT!

Donna still has trouble walking and, therefore, still has problems with fluid build up in her legs. Also, she still gets very, very tired. But, all of this is to be expected. Donna has been working very hard this week at achieving the goals needed for her to be discharged, and we are foreseeing a discharge in the very near future as long as this upward trend continues.

We wish to thank all of you who have volunteered your time to visit with Donna. The family cannot express how much it has meant to all of us. We currently have visitors scheduled through next Thursday. At this point, we are asking that you hold off scheduling future visits until we know the disposition and time frame of Donna's discharge. It is very possible that Donna could be discharged as early as some time next week. When her discharge does happen, there will be a flurry of activity that will require quite a few people to go to Durham on very short notice, namely her caretakers who are required to attend training classes prior to Donna leaving the hospital in order to learn how to tend to Donna's needs. We suspect that if Donna does get discharged next week it will more than likely be towards the end of the week, so it should not effect anyone who is currently scheduled to be in Durham.

It is so exciting to see all the wonders God is working in Donna. Let's RISE UP AND PRAISE HIM!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A New Body!

Donna's GFR today was 34! That means she is now upgraded to stage 3 moderate kidney disease!! That number a few days ago was 23, stage 4 severe disease. There has been some platelet recovery but she is also receiving platelets, so it is hard to gauge that progress. Still struggling with the TTP but it is controlled right now with treatment.

As for eating, Donna sent the nurses off on a midnight run last night to heat up some of Aunt D's famous potato soup. Uncle Kingly reports that Donna continued to eat very well today and went outside for another stroll (or roll, as the case may be) around the Duke campus in the glorious sunshine that God provided today.

Speaking of Uncle Kingly, I passed along some of the blogger's praises. He said "Tell 'em I'm just the chauffeur..." Yeah, maybe chauffeur as in "Driving Miss Daisy," setting things straight as he putters along. You would have to know the Duke, Uncle Kingly, to know how true that is!

As for Aunt D in TN, well there just aren't words. God has overwhelmed us with friends and family that have given of themselves in so many ways. We've talked about how things are in God's perfect timing. and having Aunt D in TN come to be with Donna was timed perfectly. God knew that these past few days were when Donna would be ready for hearing the words of wisdom and shared experiences of her "Aunt D in TN."

As I get these updates, I can't help but think of an old gospel song our dad sang for years with his quartet, The Royals...I'll Have A New Body. One day we're all gonna have a new body, but seems like Donna is getting a headstart on the rest of us!

You'll have to forgive the quality of this recording. I went out on the Web looking for videos of this song. I found a few, but as I listened to them they just weren't the same without The Royals singing. I made this video using an old recording made from an album, anyone remember those?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Wonderful Day!

Donna had a wonderful day on Monday! She ate a large amount of food and good variety, and absolutely loved being able to get outside for a "stroll." She is absolutely moving in the right direction. She still has trouble walking, but is working with physical therapy and her nutrition to overcome that. The docs have said that the steroids Donna takes are hindering her ability to walk, but that bringing up her protein level will help counter that somewhat. Donna is putting her best foot (or fork!) forward and trying to increase her protein intake as much as she can.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Going For A *Walk*

I know we've blogged already today, but I had to share the good news...Donna is going on a "walk" today! Aunt Dix and Uncle "Kingly" are getting Donna gathered up in a wheelchair and are taking her outside for a walk!! This will be Donna's first visit outside since December 1, 2008. Wow...Simply amazing.

Lift High the Name of Jesus!!

With all the good news coming from Durham, this song has been on my heart for days...

1 Chronicles 16:23-25a: Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise!

Following is an update from Jan:

As Bev already told you so well, Mom, Jeff and I just got back from a FANTASTIC visit with big sister! Donna is just so on her game that the docs and her body are going to have to run fast to catch up to her mindset. She wants to get out of Duke (no offense to Duke), and get about the business of healing. We had hour long chats, giggles and planning sessions (how to get out of Duke, of course), she is definitely a flight risk for them right now. She even tolerated our rolling her back and forth across the bed several times very well. That is a long story, but I'll just say that GG is going to have to retake some Nursing 101 courses.

Donna will be spending the week with our Aunt Dix and Uncle Kingly (as our cousin Sherry has named him, appropriately). Uncle Kingly ALWAYS gets what Uncle Kingly wants, and right now he wants Donna to eat lots of protein.

As Bev told you in an earlier blog, our wonderful Aunt Dix is a 12 year cancer survivor and she can share things with Donna that most of us can only imagine. She also can cook like there's no tomorrow and already served potato soup last night, which Donna ate a whole bowl of. I'm a little insulted because she would not eat my spaghetti, but I will get over it.

Back to business--we do not currently have caregivers lined up after this week. Donna's days are filled pretty much right now with lots of work to heal. And getting out of the hospital is becoming a very real possibility. In the meantime though, if there are bloggers & friends in the Roanoke/Floyd area interested in driving down for brief visits (1-2 hours), or spending a day or two in Durham, we would love to hear from you. You can email Janet at -- that way we can try to help manage the calendar.

Donna does want everyone who has been faithfully praying for her to know that she knows you are there and appreciates all of the support everyone has given. We are praying God will bless Donna with easier days and praise Him for his goodness and mercy today.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

How Great Thou Art!

I can barely contain myself long enough to write an update today. Mom and Jan are in Durham with Donna and the news coming from there is nothing less than outstanding, and all the glory goes to God! Even the doctors are amazed and astounded at the improvements in Donna.

Medically, Donna is making great strides. She is still very weak and needs assistance to get up and move around, but that is improving. The doctors are starting to see some resolution in the DAH...Praise God!! It's still there, and they are very honest in saying that they don't really know why it's showing signs of resolving but they are going to continue with the current treatment regimen and see if it resolves even more. Today they are going to start tapering her steroids. Keep this in prayer as tapering the steroids is what has caused the DAH to flare up in the past.

Attitude-wise, Donna is on top of her game. She is ready to leave Duke and is determined to fight to get out of there! Right now, the key to her discharge is to improve her nutritional status and to get stronger. She asked the doctor today what he thought about her prospects for discharge. He told her that if she continued on an upward course, improved her nutritional intake (they want a minimum of 1500 calories a day), and improved her strength, then he would guess that in the next 2-3 weeks she could leave the hospital, barring any setbacks with the DAH and/or TTP.

Donna and all of us are well aware that this fight is far from over and that we can expect future setbacks, but today we thank and praise God for all the blessings He continues to shower down on Donna.



Thursday, February 5, 2009

God Is Great!

Following is an update we received from Donna's caregiver of the past few days:

...Her oxygen has been turned back to 4 and her saturations were holding at 98 & 99%. She is trying really hard to work on the food thing. She ordered a grilled cheese today, but when it finally arrived (long after the soup), it was toasted and not grilled. She did eat about 1/4 of it anyway. She also has eaten 1/2 of a canteloupe in the past 2 days. She even mentioned that she should try vegetable soup.
Donna seemed to enjoy my reading to her. Yesterday & today I read to her from her Bible. Today I also read a cute story from a book I had taken down. I thought she might drift off to sleep, but each time I looked up, she was grinning at something I had read.

I am sitting here this morning with tears in my eyes thinking of how wonderful our Lord is. Even when we allow doubt to creep in, the Lord doesn't budge and stays right by our side. How awesome is that?

Just a week ago Donna was downgraded to an oxygen mask and was on the verge of another ICU visit. We all prayed and not only did God sustain Donna and keep her out of ICU, He also brought her spirit up to levels we have not seen since...well, since this entire journey began. What an awesome God we serve, and what an obedient, faithful servant Donna example for all to follow!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Update From Jan

Donna apparently has been so busy roaming the halls and munching that she doesn't have time to get on the phone! I did try to call a few times today but she was either walking or otherwise busy (I think her and Jeanette might have been having a party there). Joel did talk to Donna and she sounded good and did tell him she had walked the halls today.

For prayer request, please keep Donna in your prayers Thursday and Friday as she will not have a visitor until we arrive Friday evening. We do know Donna is going to be just fine in the care of the great nurses, and she might even be looking forward to a little quiet time--but the prayers will be appreciated all the same. While she still has a bit of struggle with the phone we will be touching base with her and will have an update Friday morning.

And we know she really isn't alone, our God who has sustained her (and all of us) is right there by her side.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Working Hard

Donna had a pretty good day on Monday. She is now off the oxygen mask and back on nasal cannula. Her oxygen requirement through the cannula is higher than it was a couple of weeks ago, but being on the nasal cannula versus mask is a step in the right direction. Donna's spirits continue to be on the upside. Seems she has decided it is time to leave Duke so she is working very hard, even through days where she doesn't feel like it, to get discharged. She is still very weak, but was able to push herself to walk a little bit yesterday and spent over 4 hours sitting up in the chair.

On the downside is that Donna's caregiver who was scheduled for Wednesday through Friday has come down with a cold and, therefore, will not be able to stay with Donna. The current caregiver is going to stay an extra day on Wednesday, but we don't have anyone available for Thursday or Friday.

If anyone lives close enough to Durham to make a day trip and can stay Thursday or Friday, or both, please let us know. You can contact Jan through her email at or me, Bev, at If you can do both and would like to stay overnight in Durham you can stay in the apartment. It is only 6 miles from the hospital and is a 2-bedroom, fully furnished apartment.

Being "caregiver" at the hospital is really just being a visitor for Donna and keeping her company, and of course being her encourager--especially when it is medicine time and she has to swallow down 13 pills! Bring your pom-poms and cheer her on...LOL Seriously, though, you do not need to do anything physical with her, such as lifting or anything of that sort.

Monday, February 2, 2009

God is Good

God answered prayers and kept Donna out of the ICU this weekend!! Her lungs and the DAH are still not good--she still has low oxygen levels and difficult breathing, but we are praising God for lifting Donna's spirit above the discomfort in her body to enjoy one of the best weekends emotionally that she has had almost since admission to Duke 2 months ago.

I am reminded of lyrics from the song God Is Good.

God is good all the time
Through the darkest night
His light will shine

If you're walking through the valley
There are shadows all around
Do no fear He will guide you
He will keep you safe and sound

I dare you to listen to this song and not feel lifted...I don't think you can!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

For Your Prayer List

Donna is continuing to struggle today with her breathing and her oxygen saturations. Joel asked that we specifically pray that this will start to improve throughout the day. If not, there is talk of sending Donna back to the ICU this evening for a period of time so that they can more closely monitor and treat her respiratory status. We are asking that you pray specifically that she improves and can avoid a stay in ICU. Donna hated it there the last time.

On the good side of things, Donna's spirits are much brighter today despite feeling so poorly. Additionally, she continues to be able to eat and can even get up with assistance.

The doctors assure us that they are working very aggressively to clear up Donna's lungs. Please also keep these doctors in your prayers. As we get more and more information we are finding out that Donna's situation is very rare because of the combination of complications she has experienced. This situation is stretching the doctors' knowledge and experience beyond the limits. Please pray that their research will uncover the key to Donna's healing and hopefully give them a basis for future patients with these same needs.

Friday, January 30, 2009

In God's Time

As you have read in the last post, Donna has taken another down turn in her recovery. Fluid has again increased and is causing her some respiratory difficulties. Her treating doctors have once again "ramped up" her treatment modalities and are hopeful that this down turn will not take Donna as far down as she went a month ago.

In my frustration this morning of wanting to hurry all this along and get Donna well, God quietly reminded me that everything is in His perfect time.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not A Good Day

It appears the DAH is rearing its ugly head again and Donna's lungs are bleeding again. We don't yet know the extent or the seriousness and will keep you as informed as we can. Additionally, the rituximab that she was receiving for the TTP has been stopped as it was not helping. They have started a different drug, Enbrel.

Please keep these new developments in prayer.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Short Update

Donna's day yesterday was fair. She had good day diet wise, but wasn't feeling on top of the world--nothing major, just one of the days we expect every now and then. Even a Champion needs a day off now and then.

I know you all are praying with us that she will feel back on top of the world again soon, but rather than reflect on her down times we are going praise God for all the good days He has blessed Donna with recently, and for all the good days He's going to give her in the future. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well, Hmmmm

Jan had a long phone conversation with Donna's nurse yesterday. It seems they are trying to sort out who said what about Donna being released to clinic. It seems some of her health providers are being more optimistic than others about Donna going to clinic in the relatively near future. We've been through this with Duke before and I am sure Jan will get it all sorted out soon.

At this point, as best as we know right now, they are definitely working towards Donna's release; however, it probably will not be quite as soon as we originally were led to believe. I don't think this really is a surprise to too many of us considering that while Donna is doing extremely well in comparison, she is still very weak. In addition, there are still some issues with Donna's treatment that need to be better controlled before her release. The main problem seems to be finding the correct balance of treating the DAH and the TTP without them working against one another.

All in all, Donna is doing very well and continues her slow climb to health. Her spirits are up and she's taking a more active role in managing her health; i.e., trying to add more variety to her diet, trying to eat more, and trying to exercise more.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lots of Praise, More Prayer!

Donna has continued to make progress in her physical strength and her ability to eat--to the point where there is beginning to be talk of her release to the clinic for continued treatment. The docs have indicated that all of the treatments she is currently receiving for the TTP can be managed at the clinic. Donna is working very hard toward reaching that goal right now. Also, the creatinine went down again over the weekend. This indicates that Donna's kidneys are on the mend!

Needless to say, Donna is very excited at the possibility of getting out of the hospital and into the apartment. However, please continue to pray that her strength will keep increasing. While Donna is much, much stronger than she was just a few weeks ago, she still is a bit unsteady and weak, especially as the day wears on and fatigue starts to settle in.

Please also keep Donna's family in prayer this week during these developments. There will be many decisions to be made about caregiver schedules and moving people back and forth between Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina.

Friday, January 23, 2009

A Wonderful Week

Donna is winding down what is probably her best week since the transplant. All the praise goes to God!

She has made slow but steady progress in just about all areas - eating, strength, and lab values. There is a very long road ahead in this journey, and we all continue to pray for Donna, her treating physicians, her nurses, and her caregivers - but today we are going to praise our God for all the wonderful blessings He has showered down on Donna.


On a different note: Our "luck" with the caregivers finally ran out. Carolie woke up this morning with a cold and was unable to go to the hospital to be with Donna. Fortunately, her son Brendon was available (and willing!) to go to NC with Carolie, so he was able to be Donna's caregiver for the day.

I thank God for allowing me the blessing of being part of such a wonderful, loving family who look out for one another so unselfishly.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Doing The Happy Dance!

Donna is having a great day! The quesadillas didn't go over so well (too dry), but she is eating wonderfully and trying more and more new things. Her kidneys are starting to rebound. She is no longer on a catheter (yeeha!) and is on the cusp of moving from stage 5 kidney failure up to stage 4!!

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long

An Appetite?

It seems that Donna's appetite is slowly making a comeback. Yesterday she asked Carolie to bring her a chicken quesadilla! I don't know yet if she ate it or how much, but it is so very encouraging to know that she is starting to want some of these things. It shows that her appetite is making a return. Her taste buds are not quite the same, but they will come along too.

I never knew that simple things like biscuits and quesadillas could make me smile so big!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Heartfelt Thanks!

We sent out a call for help asking for volunteers to sign up for a day or more to stay with Donna while we, her family, tended to our day to day responsibilities of our families and jobs. The response has not only been overwhelming, but very humbling. We currently have enough people coming to stay with Donna through February 12.

Donna has the most amazing friends and extended family.

For now we are going to put on hold scheduling further caregivers until we get a little closer to Feb 12. It is our hope and prayer that Donna will be discharged from Duke by then and will be in the temporary housing. That might be aggressive thinking, but we know that through God all things are possible!

A Good Day

This update is from a phone call from Carolie yesterday afternoon, so there might be more info. later today.

Donna had a great day yesterday. She took another 400-foot walk with PT and ate very well yesterday. Her kidneys showed slight improvement yesterday; the creatinine dropped below 4 for the first time in weeks (normal range for creatinine is 1 and below). This is great news, but we are cautious about it since the creatinine has gone below 4 in the past only to rise again; however, it is very encouraging to see that lab value on the move since it indicates that the kidneys are still working to a degree.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prayer and Praise!

I know I did a blog already this morning, but we just got a prayer request. Carolie (the youngest sister who is in Durham this week) just called and said it is snowing in Durham. The weather reports in the area are calling for up to 6 inches or so of snow. Being from Maryland, Carolie is OK with driving in snowy conditions, but it won't hurt to say a few extra prayers for her safety on the roads going to/from the hospital.

Now for the praise. Donna called Carolie and put in a breakfast order. She asked for watermelon, canteloupe, and a sausage biscuit from Bojangles!! I am almost in tears here. This is awesome news considering that even though Donna has been eating yogurt and such, she really hasn't had an appetite for anything other than water and ice.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Slow But Sure

Donna continues to make progress.  She is eating a little more almost every day and adding some variety.  She might even be ready for some of those recipes y'all sent for her last week very soon.  For now, she is sticking to a bland diet and slowing introducing new foods.  Her digestive system isn't quite ready for full meals, but she's doing great with yogurts, fruit, protein shakes, and some soups.   We're hoping that we can introduce more solids soon, foods such as chicken (no beef at this point) and other softer type of meats and solids.  

Medically, she's basically about the same.  The TTP is still, as the doctor put it, "active."  I am not sure the full scope of "active," but I am assuming that means they haven't really controlled it yet.  Additionally, the kidneys are still in stage 5 failure, but they are stable.  While I was there I questioned the nephrologist about the kidneys.  I was told that even though Donna's kidneys are considered stage 5 failure, they are working at some level and the doctors remain encouraging that as Donna moves more (walks) her body will move more fluid off.  

Speaking of walking, Donna is still doing well with that.  In fact, Joel had a long talk with one of her primary physicians and there is a new plan of care for Donna.  Between the nurses and the physical therapist, Donna will now get up 4 times a day to walk.   For now, she is restricted to getting out of bed with the help of a nurse or therapist only.   We are hoping that she will gain enough strength soon that we, the caregivers, will be able to get her out of bed so that she can get up and move more often.  However, she also was given some new exercises yesterday that she can do for her upper body while she is in bed or sitting in the chair.  All of this will help improve her strength to the point that she can get up with the help of a caregiver or even alone.  

That's about all there is to report.  Yesterday was treatment #2 of the once a week, 4-week Rituximab treatment, which takes 4 hours to infuse so there really wasn't much happening for Donna yesterday.

Reminder:  If you live close enough to Durham to make a day trip and would like to sign up for a day to be caregiver for Donna, please contact Jan (her email address is in the post entitled "A Call For Help.")  Again, this can be for just 1 day or if you are able to spend more than 1 day, there is an apartment available.  It is a fully furnished 2-bedroom apartment (a full size bed in each bedroom) with a sleeper sofa and 2 full bathrooms, so it can accommodate quite a few people.  At one point, the family had 10 people staying there...I don't recommend that unless you really, really, REALLY love the people you are staying with; even then it can get a little hairy!!  LOL   

As of right now, we have the week of Jan 25-31 covered.  As Donna's stay at Duke is indefinite at this point, we would like to plan as far ahead in the future as possible to have caregivers with her on a daily basis.  

Being her "caregiver" at this point doesn't require anything physical.  The nurses and therapists are the ones who help her in and out of bed.  She just needs people who can sit with her, visit with her, and maybe get her something to eat or drink throughout the day.  The most important job of the caregiver right now is to be her encouragement and cheerleader!  

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Going Back to Maryland

(Note: Please read entry "Call For Help" if you have not already done so. Thanks to all who have already replied. What awesome friends and extended family Donna has!!)

This entry is a little bit different. This is Donna's blog, so I apologize for writing a personal type of entry, but this is something I wanted to share with all of you.

It's a sad day for's time for me to leave North Carolina and return to Maryland. My week with Donna went entirely too fast. I am not ready to leave, but I know I have to.

I might get into big trouble for this, but God laid it on my heart to share with all of you something I came across while here.

I was straightening up the desk in the caregiver apartment. There was a leather book laying there. I opened it in the center and immediately recognized my daughter's handwriting. As I scanned the writing, I realized it was a journal she apparently wrote and then sent to Donna the first time Donna was diagnosed with leukemia. I know I probably should have closed the book but a few words on the page I opened to caught my eye so I read. It gave me so much encouragement that I wanted to share it all with you. Here's the entry I read and became my theme throughout the week:

"One of my favorite songs recently is called My Savior, My God. The first line is:

I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned;
I only know at His right hand
Stands one who is my Savior

"Ever since I heard that it's become one of my favorite song quotes. It reminds me that only God in His infinite wisdom knows why you have leukemia. We may never know--we don't have to know His plan in order to be the types of people the world needs us to be. We just have to remember that in the happy times, the sad times, the days you feel good, the days you feel icky, the days we miss you, the days you miss us, when you're weak, and when you're strong, the chorus of that song should be our anthem:

My Savior loves
My Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me.
My God He was
My God He is
My God He's always going be."

She ended the entry with a prayer that became my prayer the remainder of this week:

"Our Savior, Our God,
Thank you for being all of these things, always there, loving us through the storms. My Aunt Donna is so special to me. I want to lift her up to you. Give her strength when she needs it. Guide all of the doctors and nurses taking care of her. Remind all of us that You have a plan! ~Amen~"

Friday, January 16, 2009

Four Hundred

What is 400? Well, it's not my age nor my my weight (no wisecracks, Jan!), and it's not the number of siblings I have (though I'm sure at times our mother felt like it was that many).

So, what is 400? It's the number of feet Donna walked today with PT!! Can you believe it? Let's get this in perspective---the entire length of a football field, including both end zones, is 360 feet (it's sad that I know that, huh?).

Isn't our God wonderful? We asked for His grace and He gave it. Donna has had a wonderful morning. The docs are pleased with her food intake over the last 2 days and her activity level has been amazing. After her 400-foot walk she sat up in the chair for another 1-1/2 hours.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to see the prior post (titled "Call For Help") if you didn't read it already

A Call For Help

As you know, Donna has had some setbacks that have changed her schedule and she will be in the hospital longer than we anticipated. While the care at the hospital is excellent, it is really important to have someone with Donna to encourage her and help keep her spirits up.

After next week we will "run out of sisters" able to be here for extended periods of time. If you are within driving distance of Duke and would be willing & able to spend a day at the hospital with her, we would really appreciate hearing from you. For those that might have more time available and can spend 2 or more days, there are accommodations near the hospital.

Our "baby" sister Carolie will be here the week of January 19; help is needed starting the following week, January 26. We expect this need to continue for the foreseeable future.

If you believe you can help fill this need, please email your contact information to Janet at Of course, if you are not able to help your prayers for this need will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all of you in advance.
Donna's Family

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby Steps

There isn't a whole lot new to talk about, but thought I'd write out a quick post nonetheless. Donna is still trying very hard to eat as much as they want. She sometimes falls short, but she is still pushing herself and doing her best. The docs told her today they want her to try to get something, anything down at least once an hour. That's been pretty difficult considering every time we've turned around today Donna was taken out of the room for something, either a test or therapy or some other such thing.

Donna walked the hallway with PT again today and went a little further today than yesterday...AWESOME!

For your prayer list, please ask for Donna's spirits to remain good. She needs positive thinking to push through some of the things they are asking of her when sometimes she just doesn't want to do them. Donna is doing great, but some extra prayers for positive thinking can't hurt!