Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Answered Prayer!!

Jan just called to say that after initially being told no by ICU that they have reconsidered and are now going to move Donna to ICU. This doesn't guarantee a improvement in Donna's condition, but we feel she will be able to get some relief from her mental state there! God is so good and we praise Him for answered prayers, big and small.

Pray It Up!

We are not trying to cause alarm here, but Jan called this morning to ask for a specific prayer and we're calling all warriors to pray!

Once again today the ICU team has been called in to assess Donna for admission to ICU. Donna's vitals and other statistics have not changed, no better but not worse, but her mind and body need a break. So far every time ICU has come to assess they have declined to take her. Donna's nurse is pleading to get Donna to ICU because she needs sedation so that her mind and body can get some much needed relief. However, Donna cannot be sedated without a breathing tube and she cannot get a breathing tube without being in ICU. This morning the nurse called Jan around 7 a.m. to come to the hospital to help with Donna. Donna has become very agitated and combative, pulling out her tubes and taking off her oxygen, and even gets herself out of bed if no one is in the room to stop her. Jan and Monica do not believe Donna has recognized them yet today. The nurse believes all of this is her brain's reaction to the lack of oxygen.

I'm sorry that I don't have better news, but we felt this was an urgent prayer need and wanted to get it out to everyone so that ICU will take Donna today. Jan plans fully on fighting the entire hospital, including administration, until ICU agrees to take Donna.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It Is Well

We probably aren't going to have a lot to update about today. Not much has changed with Donna's condition and what we are being told is that today is going to be a "day of rest" for her. My interpretation of that is that they are going to try to allow her as much rest as possible without doing a whole lot unless, of course, it becomes necessary.

Today I share with you a song that sums it all up best...It Is Well.

We believe in the healing power of our awesome God. We also believe God has a perfect plan for all our lives. We pray that God's perfect plan for Donna is complete healing, but we also know his perfect plan may take Donna from us sooner than any one of us wants. Whatever God's perfect plan for Donna is, It Is Well With Our Soul.

(see the previous post for a special request from Crystal)

A Special Request (see last paragraph)

Jan, Mom, and Crystal will be heading to the hospital in the next hour or so. They will get a newer update on Donna's condition and when that happens I will post it here.

As you can discern from what we've been posting over the last few days, Donna's current condition is not very good. At this point she is experiencing multi-organ failure. Her body is fighting hard to keep things going, which is causing her organs to overwork themselves. At this point she is holding on. As I said in a prior post, I don't want to cause any false alarm or give any false hope. One of the nurses summed up Donna's condition perfectly, which is that Donna is holding steady for now but cannot get any worse without having dire consequences. Having said that, we also know that Donna is in God's hands. He is going to guide her in the direction of His perfect will for her life.

Donna cannot communicate verbally at this point, but she is able to communicate with head nods and eye movements and seems to understand what is being said to her.

At this point, based on nursing recommendations, we are again asking that phone calls be limited to Donna's family. What Donna's body needs most (other than prayer, of course!) is rest.

Many of you have expressed a desire to help. Of course, prayer is the biggest need at this point, but if you would really like to do something to help, the next biggest need is food for the apartment. Much of Donna's family (and those of you who know us know that there are quite a few of us!) will be converging in NC over the next few days. It would be a HUGE help to have food available in the apartment to feed everyone. I know that there are some very creative people reading this blog who can find a way to get food sent to the apartment. That is one way you could do something. If you want to try to arrange that, feel free to email me ( or call me (443.655.7295) and I'll do my best to coordinate things.

Thanks to all of you who pray constantly for Donna. Words cannot express what it means to all of us.


Monday, December 29, 2008

Short Update

I'm not quite sure what to tell you all about Donna's condition right now, except to say that she is very serious and she needs prayer now like she's never had before. The best I can tell you is that the doctors say her condition is "touch and go." We're all on our knees here, and I trust you are too.

Monday, 12/29

We're at another one of these stages in Donna's treatment where it gets hard to discern how to give an update without causing false alarm or false sense of security. I'll do my best to give an accurate update, though keeping up with the information is difficult as her condition changes up and down almost by the minute. At this point, we just try to gather the information and sum up the day.

Donna is still very, very sick; however, as one of the health care providers told Jan yesterday, every indicator they are checking showed a small bit of improvement. For example, her white cell count went from 0.5 to 0.7.

Some other abnormalities have shown up in her blood work, such as problems with her potassium and blood sugar. As I understand it, they believe that the labored breathing is causing her kidneys to overwork, thus resulting in higher than normal sodium, and that the steroids she is receiving are elevating her blood sugar. They are also testing her for Clostridium difficile. (C. diff). I haven't heard yet of the results. In short, C. difficile is a bacteria that is not uncommon for institutionalized patients (such as hospital and nursing home patients). While it makes you feel terrible, it typically is treatable with strong antibiotics. I would assume that this is the case in Donna's situation also. I'm not sure how much, if at all, her current condition will effect the treatment/recovery of C. diff if she in fact has that.

As I understand it, the DAH (diffuse alveolar hemorrhage) is basically stable right now, meaning it hasn't worsened. They did lower her steroids on Saturday (I think; it might have been Friday evening). As far as I know, they left her at the lower dosage of steroids.

Some of the care providers told Jan yesterday that while Donna is very sick they have also seen patients as sick as she is, and some sicker, who have turned around just as fast as they went downhill.

Jan assures me that they are giving Donna top-notch attention, basically ICU-type care with one-on-one nursing.

For your prayer list, the best I can recommend is to obviously continue to pray for Donna, but also for her doctors and nurses, and those who are at Duke helping to care for Donna. As you can imagine, being there and watching Donna go up and down is very difficult. Jan and Crystal made comment over the weekend that they have no idea how Joel held up doing that all alone for 4 weeks.

Speaking of Joel, I know I don't have to tell you to keep him in your prayers also. As difficult and draining as it had to be for him to be there for 4 weeks, I can only imagine that it is just as difficult and probably more so not being able to be there daily.

Donna knows that people all around the country are praying not only for her but her family also. I know she is humbled by it and covets those prayers.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday 12/27

Crystal is in NC visiting with Donna. Following is an update from her:

Day +17.
Mom's had an exciting morning of constant nurse's attention. The end result is all been positive as they're weaning her off the steroids, backing off the pain meds and reducing the amount of oygen she's getting. She's still very weak and her breathing is very labored, but she's awake and alert and we're having a great visit.

Friday, December 26, 2008

December 26, 2008

I just talked to Jan...She and Mom arrived safely yesterday. The docs just came in and reported that the bleeding in Donna's lung (or lungs...not sure if it was 1 or both) is reduced. This was the first we heard that the lung(s) was bleeding. As of now, Donna's oxygen requirement is reduced - a good thing - and they are discussing reducing her steroid dose. Her platelet count has been down, but she received 2 transfusions yesterday and 1 over night and as of this morning her count is coming back up.

Joel is on his way home, back to Virginia, so that he can prepare to return to work Monday. Please keep him in your prayers along with Donna. I am sure that being away from her will play heavily on him, but the time has come that he has to return to work.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

December 25, 2008

Just another short little blurb about Donna's day. While she is still having hard times, we are praising God that Donna was able to eat a small amount of food. The last I spoke with Jan, Donna had eaten a popsicle and a few bites of pudding! (she may have had more, but I haven't talked to anyone since then)

Isn't it funny how you come to appreciate even the tiniest things in life?

Hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December 24, 2008

We've been holding off on updating today waiting on new information; however, there just isn't anything different to report. They are treating Donna with high dose steroids and have said they are giving all that she can handle to fight this off. As far as I know, there still isn't any diagnostic information available from the tests of yesterday. Just as soon as we know something more we will post an update.

We still recommend that phone calls outside of family be very limited as any effort at speaking is difficult for Donna at this point. Joel is doing his best to keep up with everything and keep everyone informed, but even his availability to phone calls is limited as he is busy tending to Donna's needs and gathering information from doctors and nurses.

Keep those prayers going. Donna definitely needs them right now.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Short Update

The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child,
I love you and I would never, never leave you
during your times of trial and suffering.

When you saw only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."

...Mary Stevenson, "Footprints"

I know that all of you are like all of us, sitting on pins and needles waiting on more news. Unfortunately, it looks like it might not come until tomorrow morning. Donna did have her procedure and just got back to her room in the last few minutes or so. They filled her lungs with saline and then pumped the saline out. As best as we understand, they will be running tests and then we can expect to hear a prognosis/diagnosis some time tomorrow morning.

Monday, December 22, 2008

We're Burning Up the Prayer Lines

The news on Donna is basically about the same. She has periods where she is slightly better, but overall not much change.

However...more news to report.

Joel is asking us to pray for his Mom tonight. She was at the mall with Joel's sister who was letting her out at the door to the store and going to go park the car. Joel's Mom got her coat caught in the door and as his sister drove off his Mom was knocked off her feet onto the pavement. She has a broken hip and possibly a broken pelvis -- is at Roanoke Memorial Hospital. He's asking prayer for his sister who is just devastated that it happened, and of course his mom.

Joel is doing okay. He said that after the week and day that Donna has had, he is pretty numb to more catastrophes.

Donna was resting when we talked and Joel had gone to dinner. I am going to call him in her room in about an hour to see how she is. Joel was going to try to get her to walk and I was going to try to get her to talk, thinking some activity might help settle her in for the night. Will send another email after I talk to them then.

Hard Days

Donna is having a very difficult time right now. We will post an update just as soon as one is available. At this point, she is tentatively scheduled for a procedure tomorrow (Tuesday) to send a camera into her lungs and obtain tissue samples. Donna is very short of breath and not quite "with it." It was suggested that phone calls be very limited, if at all. Again, we will post an update just as soon as we know something further. We've seen Donna bounce back quickly from other trials, and pray that God's will is that she will bounce back again. We love and appreciate all of you and covet your prayers.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday 12/21

They have determined the source of the infection is in Donna's Hickman catheter. That came out this morning and they will replace with what we think will be 2 IV lines or another type catheter that will go into her arm. The doctor told her they expect a pretty quick improvement once the Hickman is out. As of this morning, the fever was being kept in the 100 range with Tylenol. Donna still wasn't feeling great but definitely an improvement over Saturday.

A Little Better

Just a quick little post to let you know that as of about 9 p.m. last night the word was that Donna was a little better. Her fever was not as high and she was feeling better than earlier in the day.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

God Is In Control

Donna is having a very hard day. She has contracted an infection. We don't want to see her feeling so bad, but we have to believe that God is still in control. Pray this passes quickly.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Praising God in Tough Times

As we told you in a prior entry, sometimes it's hard to know what to post or whether even to post. Donna is not feeling well, but the doctors assure her that she is riding the storm very well and better days are coming. I know all of you are praying for Donna faithfully and will continue to do so. For today's blog entry, instead of dwelling on the tough times, we're going to Praise God for all He has done and will do.

I chose this song for the blog because I had actually intended to post it with the last entry but at the last minute changed my mind. Then, today I received an email from Donna's friend Suzanne and she suggested this song for a blog entry. I don't think that was coincidence. I figured it was the voice of God saying, "Use it. Let them know that I am still here, even in the stormy times."

It's hard sometimes to know why people have to hurt and have rough times, and I can bet that all of us who love Donna have asked the question, "Why?". I can't help but think that maybe one day God is going to guide a lost and hurting soul to this blog and see all these people praising Him even though our loved one is hurting and suffering right now. If it touches even just one lost soul and brings them to God, isn't it worth it? I sure think so, and I know Donna would agree.

God: We do praise you in this storm!!

I was sure by now
God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

But as the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

Thursday, December 18, 2008

How Great Is Our God!!

Donna's throat is much better...Praise God! She is still having trouble swallowing, but not so much pain. She has been for a walk around the floor, to the treadmill and sat up in the chair for quite a while this morning...also had a shower. Very busy morning. Her doctor told her today that she is "at the bottom" and the general concensus is she should start to feel better each day now. Only one chemo "shot" left and they think that is next Tuesday.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers. God has heard and blessed Donna with some much needed relief.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday Dec 17

I'm sure everyone noticed the posts have slowed down the past few days and I apologize for that. The truth is, we all knew there would be some difficult times during Donna's recovery and those days are here. One thing Donna has been very clear about is that she did not want to dwell on problems or anything negative, so we have really struggled with what to write. Well, we should have just asked her but since we didn't, she passed them along to us today! Bear with me here while I do my best to pass along what Donna wants each of you to know.

One of the side effects she is experiencing is an extremely sore throat. It is common, but is interfering with so many things Donna wants and needs to do. So she asks that everyone pray especially for relief for that problem. Day +7 means Donna has reached a full week post transplant. The next days and weeks are an important time while her body works to fully accept the donor cells. Please keep that in prayer too. And for some really good news, please give thanks that Donna's "counts" are moving in the right direction according to the doctors this morning!

Most important to Donna, she wanted the word spread to everyone here -- by "name" - church family and friends, Uttermost faithful friends and of course, family, just how much your prayers, posts, cards and letters are appreciated. She doesn't mean just "thanks"...she means the "God put you in my life and you are serving a purpose" kind of thanks...and if I didn't say it just right I am sure she will let me know as soon as that sore throat lets up!

The good days are just around the corner. Donna is positive and focused on her recovery. We'll keep you "posted".

Short Update

First, let me explain the picture. I've run out of scanned pictures of Donna, so until I get a moment to scan some more I thought I'd put up some pictures of family/friends that I have. I thought she might enjoy seeing them when she visits her blog.

This picture is of Mom (on the left) and our Aunt Dix. I chose this one to start as an encouragement for Donna, from one cancer survivor to another. Aunt Dix is a 12-year cancer survivor (at least I think it's been 12 years; if not, it's been close to that).

About Donna...there isn't a whole lot new to discuss. She's having a bit of trouble speaking due to sore throat, but once again that's an expected side effect. We'll post more when there is a new report.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Shave and a Haircut!

Donna had a pretty good day Sunday. She made 2 circuits around the floor walking, had a shower AND had a haircut. Her hair (unfortunately) had started falling out again, so Joel buzzed her. She does have a sore throat and the headache lingers, but all in all it was a good day. One of the nurses who they have a lot of confidence in told Donna today to just give them this week, and that next week brighter days would be ahead. Her doctor still feels she is doing extremely well. They are waiting on her white counts to start coming up now. Donna sounded good, if tired, when we talked.

Joel wants everyone to know now that he has experience with hair cuts he will be offering them to anyone interested when he gets back to Roanoke. Good price, he only has 1 style -- GI Jane/GI Joe.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, Dec 14

Hey all...not much new news here about Donna, but since it's been a couple of days since the last post, just wanted to put something here so you don't think we're neglecting. Donna has had a couple of very tiring days. Her blood counts are very low (which is where they want her to be), so it zaps her energy. I spoke to her yesterday and Jan spoke to her today. All still continues to be on target.

Keep up the good work, all you prayer warriors! As my good friend says...Donna can do this!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday, Dec 12, 2008

Dear Bloggers & Post-ers --
If you were wondering if Donna sees your messages -- she surely does. Even though she has not been able to update it herself lately, she reads it every day and told me just this morning how much joy she gets. Her nurses have a fettish for vital signs and meds at 4 a.m., and once they get her up, she's up -- so she often logs in to read then. So, keep those notes coming and know how much comfort and love Donna is getting from all of you.

Right now is a bit of a roller coaster ride, but nothing that Donna wasn't expecting, and she is enjoying the good times and weathering the storms when they come. She is able to get up and go to the exercise room almost every day and has even felt good enough to "suggest" that Joel try out the machines himself! Will let you know soon how that is working out for Joel! Keep those cards and letters coming and Donna will be blogging herself very soon.

Love to all from Donna's family

Thursday, December 11, 2008

God Is So Good!

Donna is having a really good day. She was able to eat some eggs this morning. She says she feels like a new person today. Dr. Sullivan told her she is doing extremely well. She will still have some challenges over the next two weeks as there is some post-transplant chemo treatment to ward off the host vs graft, and the radiation she already received might still cause some fatigue for another week or two. Otherwise all is going very well!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 1 of Healing

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

Donna had the transplant at about 3 p.m. today. The infusion took about an hour. She is having some of the side effects she was told of, but they were expected and her spirits remain high. Monica was able to go down to visit today and Donna was even able to get up and walk around with her a few times. What an awesome God we serve!


I just talked to Mom about 15 minutes ago. Donna called her and told her that she will be going in for the transplant very shortly. Sorry updates have been slow, but we didn't know anything for sure up until this point. Mom said Donna sounded great and that she (Donna) was excited to have this starting.

Thanks again for your prayers. We will post an update just as soon as we can.



I am in Duke with Donna today and she is currently getting the Bone Marrow Transplant. They started at 3:00pm and it will only take about one hour. It is amazing how one little bag of blood can hold 8 million stem cells. She is doing fairly well. She is having some sensations from the stem cells going into her body but nothing out of the ordinary.
Here at Duke everyone has been telling Donna, Happy Birthday!(They call the Transplant Day, Birthday. The nurses said they would spare her and not sing Happy Birthday to
We want to thank you all so much for praying for Donna and the donor. For without the donor this wouldn't be possible.
Thank You, Monica and Joel.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The scheduled "day of rest" on Monday was actually very busy preparing for the transplant...not the best day by any means but Donna's faith and the prayers of so many have brought great comfort.

As of yesterday afternoon, the bone marrow had not arrived at Duke. The transplant is tentatively scheduled for late tonight (Tuesday) or possibly early Wednesday morning.

Donna continues to be doing better than expected and wanted everyone to know how thankful she has been for the prayers of family, friends, and even those she has never met, and is thankful for all the blessings God has bestowed every day.

As we head towards the transplant we are praying God will continue to sustain Donna and Joel, and that her body will fully accept the transplant and her complete healing will begin. We also praise God again for providing a donor, and for his willingness to sacrifice for a sister he's never met. Only through God are all these things possible!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday, Dec 7

From Jan: Just talked to Donna and she is doing just amazingly well. She is very antsy because she wanted to go to the exercise room and walk on the treadmill but was a little too shaky. She also continues to fight the nausea which is frustrating but still better than anticipated. Just hearing her say "I really wanted to go to the workout room today..." was a blessing to me. Her vision is blurred which is a side effect of the chemo, it should clear in a few days. Tomorrow is a "day of rest" before Tuesday - Transplant Day!

To all the faithful family and friends on the blog, please continue to pray for Donna and Joel, God has certainly heard our prayers and provided much!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Short Update

From Bev: I spoke to Donna for a few minutes last night. She was very tired, but all in all doing well. In fact, she said some of the nurses told her that she has done better with radiation than many people. Chemotherapy starts today (Saturday).

I have no doubt God is hearing and answering all your prayers for Donna and Joel. I can't thank Him enough for giving Donna and Joel the strength they need!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Friday, December 5, 2008

December 5, 2008

There isn't a whole lot to report today, just that Donna sends her love and says she is "hanging tough!" One more day of radiation!!

Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

DAY #3

From Jan:

I got to talk to Donna tonight!!! She was up when I called and doing very well. I asked her if things had been about what she expected and she said things overall have been BETTER than she expected. She does have some nausea but it is controlled very well with the meds, she said the medicine they give her is stronger...she is a little more tired than she expected but thinks that might be the meds. Rash is gone but skin a little itchy. Mostly she wanted everyone to know she is doing just fine.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2, 2008

Talked to Joel just a bit ago. Donna had her 2 rounds of radiation today. It went a little faster each time today, about an hour and a half each session. Per Joel - Donna had said that she doesn't have any discomfort at all during the radiation but it is making her tired and nauseous (sp?) -- She's sleeping alot ( a blessing ) and has better meds than the ones she was taking in Roanoke. Joel says the hospital people are wonderful.


Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1, 2008

As many already know, Donna has been in North Carolina since Friday for her palifermin injections. Palifermin is a growth hormone that she was given to hopefully help reduce mucositis that forms when receiving high doses of chemo/radiation. She started at 7 this morning with insertion of a catheter and then she will begin treatment, which will start with radiation for a number of days, followed by some chemotherapy, and finally the transplant next Tuesday, 12/08/08.

In addition to posting messages here, you can send letters/cards to the apartment where Joel and other caregivers will be staying over the next few months. Since this is a public site, I'm a little leery of putting the address here. If you'd like to send her some mail, you can contact me (Bev) by email and I'll send you the address. My email is

Below is a message from Jan (Donna's sister)

As we ask God to sustain her and Joel for the next weeks, we also offer praise to God for the young man donor and all he has been willing to give. We will be talking to Joel every day and keeping the blog going for Donna until she can pick it up in a few weeks. Thanks to ALL of YOU for keeping Donna and Joel in your thoughts and prayers!

Thanks to everyone who "visits" Donna here and leaves her some comments. She loves them!
