Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Missing You

I can't believe that in just a few short weeks it will be 6 months you have been gone. It's just as fresh and as raw today as it was then.

There isn't a day that goes by that you don't enter my mind; some days it is with a smile knowing that you are dancing with the angels, some days it is with selfish tears and heartache, and some days it is with both.

It's funny the things that trigger it. Today, it was when I was breaking bread for tonight's stuffing for dinner. I thought about calling Mom to see how she makes her stuffing because it is always so good, and I can't emulate it no matter how hard I try. It was then that I thought of you. I got a chuckle thinking back to the days when you first left home and every night at supper time we could count on a phone call...calling to ask Mom how to cook something!

I have thought of you so often when Mel and I talk about her upcoming wedding and move to Tennessee. You've "been there, done that." There are so many things I wish I could talk to you about. You always gave such calming reassurance. You could make me feel like everything is going to be OK even in the face of chaos.

I love you and miss Big D, our Sissy