Tuesday, June 9, 2009

But Wait, There's More!

Family, friends old and dear, and memories of Donna and the joy she brought to our lives--it was the perfect Saturday. Donna had been gone from Harford County for over 30 years, but such was the mark she left on all she met that friends even from high school came to share. Thank you to everyone who shared a memory here.

When I got home I wished again, like I do every single day, that I could just ring Donna up in Heaven and chat. I would tell her how we are all doing just fine but miss her so much. It just seems there were so many things left to share--Dad's 75th, Crystal's graduation, that beautiful new granddaughter. I would say "you would've been so proud of Crystal with honors!" and "Kendall looks just like Rachel's baby pictures." And how proud she would have been of Monica, rushing to her sister's side to fill the void. So much joy and yet we miss her so much! And she would listen patiently as I prattled on and then she would say,

"The best is yet to come, Sissy, the best is yet to come!"

Until then...I praise God for filling our hours with such wonder and joy.


  1. Donna left a good legacy in the 3 girls she raised...and oh yes, she would be so proud of all of them! She taught them how to be there with someone in need, she taught them how to love, she taught them how to stand on their own two feet, and to fight for what they believe in. I too, Jan, want to pick up the phone and share so much with Donna. I will always cherish the friendship Donna gave to me...I love and miss her so much.


  2. The only thing that I can add is this "AMEN-the best IS yet to come!!!!!!! Love you all and still think about you and pray for you daily- Sherry J

  3. Congratulations Jessie, if you see this post, on your upcoming wedding!! I know Donna would be so happy for you!!


  4. Dear friends. The news from my sister Sheri is very grim. She has new tumors, in the brain, that are outside the area which received radiation. Additional radiation will be of little help. She has been in the hospital since Thursday, but will be returning home tomorrow. Mom, Dad, Sarabeth & I will be flying to Elgin, Illnois Saturday evening.

    One of Sheri's favorites scriptures comes from Ecclesiastes and reads: "There is a Time for Everything!" Please keep Sheri's family in your prayers. With much love,


  5. Jeanette, my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.


  6. Thanks so much Lorelei.

